Monday 4 May 2015

Welcome to my new blog!

After a couple of false starts, I've finally started a blog!

Recently I've started writing blog posts and web copy for a couple of companies so I knew the time would come when I needed my own site. I kept putting it off, and I shelved THREE different sites before starting this one - I guess we're never happy with things we've created, are we?

Anyway, I was talking with two of my neighbours - hi Hannah and Rob! - and I realised that if I'm going to make a go of this writing malarkey, then I need a blog of my own. So... ta da!

I've got a few ideas about things I'm going to write about - a few books and films I want to review, and a couple of other posts I want to write - but otherwise I think I'll just write about whatever takes my fancy.

Hopefully at some point I'll also use this site to keep you updated on the progress of my creative writing and my novel. Well... if I'm brave enough that is! ;)

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