Wednesday 6 May 2015

Getting started!

Just working on some new posts for the site. I've written blog posts for other sites before, but Blue Lemon Sherbet is quite exciting for me because I get to just write about the stuff I love! I have so many things I want to write about, I'm worried I'm not going to be able to keep up.

I've been reading some great pieces about successful blogging on other sites - so I'm ready to go! But I've also started looking for more awesome blogs to follow. I love connecting with new people and social media is such a good way to do this. I've already met some really cool people on Twitter, so now I'm looking to connect on the blogosphere as well.

One of my new blog-friends suggested Bloglovin as a site to discover new blogs - and I love it! You can search for sites based on your interests, and there's always loads of recommendations based on the sites you already follow. I've already found loads of cool blogs to follow, and my feed is looking pretty good right now!

This blog is pretty new, but there's lots of shiny new content on its way. In the meantime, if you'd like to connect with me on Bloglovin - just give me a click!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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